Advancing the knowledge and treatment of hip disorders to improve the lives of patientsAbout The Hip Society"The concept of developing a society within the ranks of Orthopedic Surgery in North America devoted to the diseases of and the surgery of the hip joint was originated by Frank Stinchfield. As president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic surgeons (AAOS), secretary of the American Orthopaedic Association (AOA), president of the American College of Surgeons, and Professor and Chairman of Orthopedic Surgery at Columbia’s School of Physicians and Surgeons, he was a man of broad experience and wide vision. …he saw the potential for a major role of total hip replacement surgery in the management of end-stage arthritic problems of the hip." – William H. Harris, MD, D.Sc, Founding Member and Past President of The Hip Society The Hip Society is an academic by-invitation-only membership organization currently consisting of 216 members who are internationally recognized thought-leaders, innovators, mentors, researchers, and educators. Founded in 1968, The Hip Society is proud of its rich history, tradition, and leadership in the field of arthroplasty. Learn MoreGet in the SHAK, and Get Learning!The Learning SHAK is an online education platform of The Hip Society GO HERE |